Alba Bra Langhe Roero

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1 Room, 1 Adult

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A unique corner of Italy with unique features: Barolo, Barbaresco and White Truffle are just a few of these.
Here are castles, towers, fortified villages and small villages lying on these smooths hills, which bring us into a medieval period of struggles and splendor. But the peasants were the real protagonists of these lands, who for centuries have labored and molded the hills for centuries to have today the breathtaking landscape that opens in the eyes of the tourist.
A landscape of thousands of colors: from the bright green of the hot seasons, to the orange that is lost in red in the autumn of the harvest, to the white which in winter covers it with its snow-covered mantle, a white that remains unchanged on the peaks of Alps, which are always there where the look can go, always there to make us feel protected.